Netflix and too chill: house hunters cutting corners on inspections
More than half of Australian house hunters spend the same amount of time inspecting a property as they do watching an episode on Netflix,...

Are you relying on a personal credit card for business expenses?
We’ve all been guilty of the odd credit card mix-up from time to time – it happens! But if you’re consistently relying on a personal...

Seismic shift: two major banks hike fixed interest rates
Are the days of ultra-low fixed interest rates over? It’s looking increasingly so, with two major banks increasing their fixed rates this...

How 1-in-10 first home buyers cracked the market 4 years sooner
Almost 33,000 Australians bought their first home four years sooner thanks to two federal government schemes that give first home buyers...

SME lending options are on the rise, but how do you access them?
While many SME owners worry about their access to finance, a surge of new lenders and products is rapidly expanding the options...

Bar raised for borrowers: tougher home loan serviceability tests
Some borrowers will soon find it harder to get a mortgage after the banking regulator announced tougher serviceability tests for home...

Is a home loan lending crackdown on the horizon?
The federal treasurer has given the strongest indication yet that a home loan crackdown is coming, stating that “carefully targeted and...

Only half of SMEs have recently been able to secure full funding: report
Almost one-in-two SMEs have applied for new funding in the last six months, a new report has found, and of those SMEs only half were...

Top 5 property investor trends for 2021-22
With house prices going gangbusters in the first half of 2021, is it still a good time to buy property? The majority of investors think...

Are you too loyal for your own good? The banks think so
The average Australian homeowner is paying more than $37,000 in extra interest over the life of their home loan due to the loyalty tax,...